
Christ, the cup bearer

Yeshua says are you able to drink of the cup that I drink? He also says to the Father, let this dup pass from me, nevertheless not my will but thine be done.  He drank of the cup and did not die and neither will we, except the ego-- Yet even promises that he will not drink of the wine again til he drinks of it in His kingdom, which is not of this world. The Holy Spear it or whole I spirit, when one bullseye of the bi-bull and hits what they are aiming at, thus not missing the mark of the high calling in Christ-- The Christ mind is what gets you into the kingdom, and peace its garments all in white, and down to the feet, thus not girded for war, as God is at peace with all men and yet it is men who are not at peace with God. Our heads are where the branches of the tree grows into , and fed from the trunk of the tree/spine-- these male and female energies are balanced or polar opposites. Man thinks he can have life by himself which is what caused the fall, yet he continues

Brain's betrayal

  Amen Sigala writes   thENEMYs withIN ther⁴withOUT ourBraiNeuroLogy iz NOT OUR FREND NOR THER TO SERV US buthe BiGFaT BUTo SERV ITSELFishness in Myth also known az SMYTHing SmythoLogy NoSense Jurnee Story Crap Living.. SYNAPSiS iTs LiTeraLee ALL inOURhed n our wich²deeseavz, y THER iz An OpnEyeBaL on USAz FederaLnote on STOLN LAND TERRiTORY.. AZ U ReeMeyeNdid me Tina on DULT withat so ManipuLaTiv A in Frunt o iT like Athiest it bcomz NOT hm.. THE MeyeNDz Eye iz a very eve o iL moov menTe.. OuReaLiTee iz reeLee NUTHing buthe BiGFaT BUT of NOiSE meaningLess make b lie ve aEye a i A I aLie eLeye eLie.. NnnURGee in MO SHAWN iz EMOTiON.. BAD THiNGs Hapn thru ERORS n MiSsTakes CAUZd Beye theDeLiberaTe Moovemente of OurBraiNeuroLogy To Air hm.. y in so cald Astrology the mind iz air, EROR very close in proNUNseaAshawn hm once again.. ITs ALREDee been A EYE A I DIS HOLE Teyem.. c it¿? cure 33 us thingee doe safe iz hapeenes wat i hav on my account state mente.. 33 iz hart wich i